Thursday, 17 October 2013

I feel you more in your absence than in presence

I feel you more in your absence than in presence
those pink smileys in those old mails
feeling your femininity in small fingers with large nails
ransacking old FB chats, my insanity your bedroom photographs

Yes I feel you more in your absence than in presence….

taking first dip in the sea imagining you are holding my hands
sitting alone in the sand on the bank of river Soan
watching that single tree on the other side
unknowingly sketching the sand with fingers to create you

Yes I feel you more in your absence then in presence….

in the night waiting for the cloud to go, moon to appear
in scribbing something on the paper then stopping
just to sob, cry and breathe then smile to start again
in avoiding visiting the city we met first
in avoiding to see the corner we turned away from forever

Yes I feel you more in your absence than in presence….

in befooling my self by thinking time will heal our wounds
in remembering how you used to say society won’t let love flourish
in how I cajoled saying your happiness matter more for them than my caste

Yes I feel you more in your absence than in presence….

in believing you will read these lines someday
in hoping you remember those moments 
in smiling when wrote the first letter of this piece
in crying while putting the full stop

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